Targeted email marketing can be an effective promotional tool for your web site, product or service. It can help to drive sales and create traffic to your site. This does not have to be a difficult task. These five simple steps should help you get your campaign underway.
ID your target
This is vital to the success of your targeted email marketing campaign. One of the safest ways to collect addresses is to offer an opt-in form on your web site. If you purchase lists or trade lists, make certain that they are relevant to your web site and marketing tactics.
Construct a targeted message
Write your email message directly to your target audience. If you have several different target audiences, then you need to write several different targeted messages. One blanket message is not likely to yield the response that you desire.
Write a killer subject line
The key to a successful targeted email marketing campaign may well lie in the subject line. Use four to six words and choose them carefully. You want to grab the attention of someone who is likely very busy as is wading through a pile of emails. Make it catchy.
Find target email lists
Email newsletters may be the best cost effective option for finding lists for your targeted email marketing campaign. Place ads in newsletters, add a polite, short signature to your outgoing emails and mention your web site in newsgroup posts.
Remember timing is everything
Timing is crucial in targeted email marketing. Time your emails to come at intervals of several days for optimum benefit. You don't want them too close together or too far apart.